Nice! Though it's been ages, I remember a few good times back on Hades where you used to DM. Looking forward to the next chapter!
CoEMF WrathOG777: This is a roleplaying game. There is no such thing as winning or losing. Only playing.
Player of Dameon Nepirtas, Nel'Cial, and Pickle Mistbreeze
Thaylis Beign
Knight-Lord of Drakehall Keep
Breath of Pelar
4th Royal House Nor'Seere-Silverstrike
Brig Gen-M'Chekian Army
Rear Admiral-M'Chekian Navy
Knight Companion-Chivalric Order of Balance - KCCB
Hero of the M'Chekian Union
A Legacy True Hero
"Dungeons & Dragons is some of the most crazy, deep, deep, deep nerd shit ever invented. Every word you're saying is made up. Motherfuckers talk like Yoda.".