Hidden Reindeer (Part III: M'chek) (closed)

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Hidden Reindeer (Part III: M'chek) (closed)

Post by Ronan » Sun Dec 17, 2023 4:49 pm

Derwin is in a sour mood. His younger cousin has come visiting from Elysia.

"Why do her parents lavish hers with all the cool toys? Ugh, she came here bragging about her brand new dress and her armored reindeer plush and her chocolates which she REFUSES to share. Ugh! And she lives in some lavish out of town manor with their little flower gardens and little fountain and here we are stuck living above pa's shop. So dumb! Why did Pa need to move out here anyway?"

There's a brief rattle at the open window shutters. Derwin grumpily stomps to the window, muttering about 'rats again'...and pauses as he sees a small box on the windowsill. His eyes widen, and he looks out onto the busy city street - but there is nothing out of the ordinary, just the cloak merchant shouting his wares below.

Derwin quickly opens the box. From the inside of the box, he pulls out a small dark-furred reindeer toy with a shady-looking black cloak and a little set of lockpicks on its antlers. A broad grin crosses his face.

"Oh... this is so much better than Ann's dumb 'paladin' reindeer..."

The Lost Reindeer
(Dec 17-Dec 23) - Server: M'chek
Tiny Plush Reindeer have been scattered around the server of M'chek* along with some other goodies. This week's reindeer are Rogue Reindeer. Good luck hunting! If you find them, they're yours to keep.

After Dec 23th, a new variety of plush reindeer will be distributed on another server, so watch for an announcement....

*The Mikona-server reindeer have all been given to children. You're not a monster, are you?

Closed - watch for another posting soon (12/23 or 12/24!)
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