And We know that you love playing here and love Avlis as much as we do!
But ask yourselves, what else can you do?
We need everyone to be on board and help out if you can, doesn't need to be much!
First of course
Is "Keep the Lights on"
Although we have cut our expenses, we still need a bit each month to keep going. If you can't afford a monthly subscription, even $5 here and there helps !
Click here for a one time donation or to set up a recurring donation via Paypal
We have been revitalizing our marketing and recruitment process! If you have great ideas on how we reach out better to the world, to find all the true Role Players that belong here please sign up !
Contact Plethora for admittance to the Avlis Marketing Think Tank Forum!
Like to break things?
Then QA (Quality Assurance) is for you!
We want you to come and break all our new stuff! Smash it to bits, so once you are done, its bug free, and of the highest quality to
Please PM tizmo to get an application.
Messed around with NWN toolset? like to build? code?
Ever thought Avlis needed something, and have the skills to implement?
Come help with new areas, dungeons player housing and all the unique things that make Avlis marvelous! CCC is kickass right now,

Please PM tizmo to get an application.
And Fifth!
Ever been wandering around and thought.. I have a story for this!
Or been in an event, and saw new possibilities, .. your mind, making up things as you go along?
Love the Lore, and the possibilities that characters are allowed in this , This most unique of Worlds?
Have the time to commit to the story progression, and all the awesome that is Avlis?
Give back some of the love you have been given?
Then maybe this App is for you
Please send to Plethora
Dungeon Master Application for Avlis
(All fields are required.)
Personal Information:
First Name:
Last Name:
Preferred pronoun:
What time zone are you in? (GMT +/-):
Avlis Board Name:
Avlis Gamespy Username:
When did you start playing on Avlis?
DM Application:
Have you ever been a DM/Game Master for a pen and paper game: __ Yes __No
If yes, how many years/months experience with DMing do you have? For what systems have you run games? What systems have you played?
How familiar are you with the D&D 3.0/3.5 Edition / NWN Engine rules?
Have you DMed on any PWs? Are you are currently DMing on other worlds?
What would make you a good DM on Avlis?
How would you describe your style of DMing?
What do you like about Avlis?
What stories, or kinds of stories, do you think should be told on Avlis?
In general, how has your playing experience been on Avlis?
Which character(s) do you mainly play on Avlis, what have they participated in, and how have other characters/plots/guilds influenced their development?
What is your general take on role-playing, gaming, and character portrayal?
Pick your favorite deity, nation, or race on Avlis, and tell us how you would run a plot around it.
(Please take your time with this question. This one is important to show your understanding of lore and level of creativity)
Please provide details about one idea for a single session event. How would you draw players in? Would your event be more/less combat-oriented? How would you close the event to let players know it was ending (one-shot)?
If you had the permission, what would you implement on Avlis? (This could be a form of quest, an area, a website, a policy, anything).
How much time would you be able to devote (per day, week, etc) for DM'ing?
You will be expected to run at least two events per month. Do you agree?
Do you have anything else to add?
Show up and play! Run your own events! Enjoy yourselves! Ping me if you need help setting something up for RP events.
I might not always be able to DM you, but im very usual fine to do some set up before hand.