"Dungeons & Dragons is some of the most crazy, deep, deep, deep nerd shit ever invented. Every word you're saying is made up. Motherfuckers talk like Yoda.".
"So I was in the grocery store today... And some lady walked by in her negligee... I said, "Oh hey! It's Rali!"... but it wasn't after all" - Nayala Gelbert
Oct. 2007 ABA: "What can my PC contribute?"RaliSongs
Aggie always rocks my world but the image of her running around the Brigade HQ nekkid after too much drink during the Lefty Test will go with me to the grave!
Thaylis Beign
Knight-Lord of Drakehall Keep
Breath of Pelar
4th Royal House Nor'Seere-Silverstrike
Brig Gen-M'Chekian Army
Rear Admiral-M'Chekian Navy
Knight Companion-Chivalric Order of Balance - KCCB
Hero of the M'Chekian Union
A Legacy True Hero
Vetinari: I have noted before that you have a definite anti-authoritarian streak, Commander.
Vimes: Sir?
Vetinari: You seem to have retained this even though you are Authority.
Vimes: Sir?
Vetinari: That's practically Zen.