ways of triggering a script other than...

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ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by Croton » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:12 am

Something I'm working on would require a PC to take an action on an object, but there are no radial triggers available, without of course altering haks, and such, which I'd really rather not have to do.

Since there is no quick button, I'm looking at what my options are. Here is what I have so far, and why I'd rather not use that method...

a. Radial crafting menu: This takes a while to get to, and if the PC is in combat, it would just be an issue. plus, it is mostly meant for long term variable changes, not actions in game.

b. An Item that triggers a conversation: I'd rather stay away from having PCs need to carry an item. If I did go the item route, I'd like the item to e used for multiple purposes, without going to a conversation. So, it would maybe be multiple & different "on use" options.

c. Using the new emote detection system: This would have the PC emote what they want to do, with standardized emotes to accomplish things. This is a nice option, but it is a stretch for what the intentions of the system are for.

d. Is there a way to have PC quickslots trigger a script without a visual emote?

this would allow PCs to basically have the commands quickslotted, and we could publish what the proper commands are.

e. any other ideas you smart people have.

Thanks a ton,

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Re: ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by PsiOmega » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:21 am

With 1.69 BioWare supplied us with 10 different player tools and another 10 DM ones which can be used from the radial menu or placed in a quick slot.
As I understand it all of them lets you select a target (self, ground or other object) and can be customized as you wish.

Let me see if I can't throw together a quick example.
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Re: ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by nwmblondy » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:02 pm

I havnt read the player ones, but the DM ones all say something simular about these are here if you want to code your own thingy and use this butten thingy. Basically Psi is right, he likes horeses waaaaaaaay too much, but hes right. :P
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Re: ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by PsiOmega » Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:12 pm

To attach a script to a tool use the following pattern when naming the scripts:
Player tools: x3_pl_tool1 through x3_pl_tool10
Dm Tools: x3_dm_tool1 through x3_dm_tool10

Pre 1.69 characters do not have these tools. Here's a basic script for applying missing tools in the OnClientEnter event.

Code: Select all

#include "x2_inc_itemprop"

void main()
    object oPC = GetEnteringObject();
    object oHide = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CARMOUR, oPC);

    itemproperty ipAddFeat = ItemPropertyBonusFeat(IP_CONST_FEAT_PLAYER_TOOL_01);
    if (!IPGetItemHasProperty(oHide, ipAddFeat, DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT))
        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ipAddFeat, oHide);
And lastly a basic script for getting all the necessary variables in the x3_pl_tool/x3_dm_tool scripts:

Code: Select all

void main()
    object oUser = OBJECT_SELF;
    object oTarget = GetSpellTargetObject();
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Re: ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by Croton » Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:47 pm

I'll play around with this tonight. Psi, you always come through for me. I appreciate it.

I guess I'll need team permission to use one or two of the tools for my project?
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Re: ways of triggering a script other than...

Post by nwmblondy » Tue Jan 13, 2009 11:54 pm

Pretty much bud, as these extra quickslot tools are limited in number, but hey we are reasonable gusy and gals, Im sure if we like your system we can think about getting it in, for the right price :wink:

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