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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Pathos Street » Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:20 pm

For those that are interested, hayas is a bastardization of the hebrew root להיות lihiyot, "to be." In Hebrew, haya is the past tense of lihiyot, and yihiye is the future tense. Ostensibly, hayas could also be the root for the word yayn, the word used in statements of posession (meaning "there is") through arcane conjugation rules that are common to Hebrew and Nanshilae that we won't delve into, primarily because I don't actually speak the language. I sort of know what a binyan is though. :)
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:30 am

AShadowsWhisper wrote:Need more numbers as well! I am by no means an expert at this and I could be horribly off at following the proper guidelines and style. Hopefully this has the right nanshilae feel to it! All the "new" numbers are custom (though some have other RL meanings, or are acronyms or something, but it is unintentional) If the right people in the right places don't like this, no worries! But it is here if you'd like to make it official.

Lastly, there could be some errors. I just made this up, so if you see any conflicts or contradictions, don't be afraid to point them out.

value x1 wrote: 1. hod
2. shta
3. loash
4. bah
5. maysh
6. shaysh
7. sheev
8. shmoe
9. taysh
I'd like to see some more numbers added. (esra is 10, it exists already)
value x10 wrote: 1. esra
2. shny
3. lasha
4. arba
5. mishya
6. shish
7. shvi
8. mona
9. tish
value x100 wrote: 1. rish
2. niyah
3. shla
4. aab
5. ames
6. sesh
7. vehes
8. shma
9. tes


  • taysh'shny
(229 - nine and twenty and two hundreds... I put different formats to see what is liked best)
  • taysh'shny-niyah
  • ames
(567 - seven and sixty and five hundreds)
  • sheev'shish-ames
  • There's lots of ways we could do that. To stick with the proper style, I'd propose this: (2 + 40 + 600 + 900)

    shta'arba-sesh v'tes
    shta'arba'sesh v'tes
I'd like to see actual 1000s used, maybe... also if we can find a way to make numbers stand out without being full of quotes.
11... esra v'hod
37... lasha v'sheev
100... rish
104... rish v'bah
200... shta rishen (two hundreds)
225... shta rishen shny v'maysh (two hundreds twenty and five)
1000... esrish (combining 10 and 100)
2000... shta esrishen
2148... shta esrishen rish arba v'shmoe
10000... esra esrishen
100000... rish esrishen
1000000... (hey, in case of auctions or number of Shaahesk killed, you know)... uhhh...goodesrish (shortened goodel esrish... big 1000, without the ')

Also while we're on the topic, how about placement? ex: 2nd, 3rd, 4th...?
I don't think we'd use specific date arrangements except in rare cases (going back to the lax telling of time by elven standards), but if we did... it would probably be yoom'hod, yoom'shta... "day of one, day of two aka first day, second day"

Now 1st item, 2nd item ... could be doovar'hod, doovar'shta (thing of one, thing of two... ) and the same for children, yeled'hod, yeled'shta (first child, second child)

how's that?

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by AShadowsWhisper » Thu Feb 18, 2010 10:49 pm

I like it.

value x1 wrote: 1. hod
2. shta
3. loash
4. bah
5. maysh
6. shaysh
7. sheev
8. shmoe
9. taysh
value x10 wrote: 1. esra
2. shny
3. lasha
4. arba
5. mishya
6. shish
7. shvi
8. mona
9. tish
value x100 wrote: 1. rish
value x1,000 wrote: 1. esrish
value x1,000,000 wrote: 1. goodesrish
(Edited out so no confusion.)

Also, I have an idea for the dating system I just have to flesh it out a bit. Trying to wrap my head around an elf's and how they view time. Definitely nature oriented like ours is (days, nights, etc.) but from the perspective of an elf. Lengthier and not set to a human's sleep cycle are the big things. Something that if you had to compare them it wouldn't be a 1:1 system.

Would love to compare ideas some time.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Mon Feb 22, 2010 2:55 pm

The verbs table has been reworked on the wiki to allow for easier addition of new ones. The old way had one table, 2 columns. So, when adding a new verb you'd have to copy and paste everything after it in that one column down... a real pain in the ass.

Now, it uses one big table, with 3 columns. In those 3 columns are smaller 2 column tables with the English/common word in one and the Nanshilae word in the other. It looks neater, and because each smaller table covers a letter of the alphabet, it'll make updating that much faster/sane.

I may do the same with nouns and adjectives, thus making the right hand side list a bit obsolete, or we can keep that too. The page does need some cleaning up and organization, however. :)

A.S.W. and I were talking about cardinal directions (North South East West), and the vibe we got was that they would likely use reference points. So "west" would be more "towards Toran Sharda", "south" "towards M'chek/Mikon's land", and so on.

So with that in mind:
North - galdyn
West - toryn
South - mikyn
East - niryn (towards the sea)


Up - oryn (towards the light)
down - nanyn (towards the fields)
And in a final note... in the numbers section, I'm looking for a clear way to explain the rules of writing out the numbers. The examples are there, to show how and when, I just think the explanation of the rules above it need fine tuning. I'm probably also using the wrong words for explaining a number's place, too. If someone wants to have at it and post how they'd explain the rules here, it'd be appreciated!
Last edited by Grunt on Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:43 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by PlasmaJohn » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:02 pm

Grunt wrote:A.S.W. and I were talking about cardinal directions (North South East West), and the vibe we got was that they would likely use reference points. So "west" would be more "towards Ferrell", "south" "towards M'chek/Mikon's land", and so on.
Ferrell is significant to the playerbase because there's a server for it. Ferrell's size and (lack of) political attitude pretty much doom it to obscurity in a geopolitical sense. Chances are that west would derive from Orcs or more likely Dracons or Toran Shaarda.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:09 pm

PlasmaJohn wrote:
Grunt wrote:A.S.W. and I were talking about cardinal directions (North South East West), and the vibe we got was that they would likely use reference points. So "west" would be more "towards Ferrell", "south" "towards M'chek/Mikon's land", and so on.
Ferrell is significant to the playerbase because there's a server for it. Ferrell's size and (lack of) political attitude pretty much doom it to obscurity in a geopolitical sense. Chances are that west would derive from Orcs or more likely Dracons or Toran Shaarda.
Ferrell was also the bordering country to the west, though Toran Sharda takes up more of the western border and Ferrell is more of a Northern side westerly neighbor...
thinking on it, yeah Toran Sharda seems a more likely place.

-feryn +toryn :)

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Pathos Street » Mon Feb 22, 2010 6:07 pm

degyn = towards deglos?

It's only been a handful of elven generations that Deglos has existed.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Tue Feb 23, 2010 4:43 pm

Pathos Street wrote:degyn = towards deglos?

It's only been a handful of elven generations that Deglos has existed.
galdyn then. :)

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by AShadowsWhisper » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:02 pm

Both versions could be correct. I've "heard" older versions of Nanshilae being used before. To older generations galdyn, to newer generations degyn.

It might be over complicating things though, and I'm not suggesting we start several entirely different versions of nanshilae or anything such as that, but perhaps on words that it is easy to come up with and make sense (like the above) it could be done to add a little more flavor to it.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:07 pm

We also have Left and Right, but not back(wards) and forwards. Navigation: It's important!

left is "smool" and right is "yemol"
Forward: yatsal
Back (direction): chesak

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Isadora » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:03 am

How do you say to? and of? I don't see it on the wiki

Like.. I went TO the store

I bought a box OF bread?
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:07 am

Isadora wrote:How do you say to? and of? I don't see it on the wiki

Like.. I went TO the store

I bought a box OF bread?
There is no "to" (it's assumed), and of is a single quote linking words

Ex: I want to eat... Eni Retzelath ooklas.
House of seven families... Thayt'sheev mespahen

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Wed Mar 10, 2010 2:40 pm

Grunt wrote:
Isadora wrote:How do you say to? and of? I don't see it on the wiki

Like.. I went TO the store

I bought a box OF bread?
There is no "to" (it's assumed), and of is a single quote linking words

Ex: I want to eat... Eni Retzelath ooklas.
House of seven families... Thayt'sheev mespahen
I've added "towards" (mineth) and may work for directional forms of "to" as in I'm going to Le'Or "Eni lulecet mineth Le'Or". Shortening it to "Eni lulecet Le'Or" is also common and acceptable. Using it for "I want to die" is not, it's still assumed in this case. (Eni Retzelath mootas)

Another thing that has been added is a form for "er" nouns (fighter, runner)...

Where the verb is a stem + as, and the noun is a stem + ith, a person would be stem +ithot. If you're speaking in gender based terms, +ithot would be male while ithotan would be female. Plurals come at the end... +ithoten, +ithotanen. Most cases will not take gender into account, however.

To lie/deceive: gabatalas
You lie!: ta gabatal!
a lie: gabatalith
lies!: gabatalithen!
Liar: gabatalithot
Liars: gabatalithoten

Some words exist already as nouns, without being part of the format. One example is "teacher" and another is "traveler". Teacher is "Merah", while the verb "to teach" is "yeravas". Rather than retcon that, Teacher will remain "Merah" for the reason of it being a title of respect. A teacher or mentor is not a "thing" in this case, but a rank of importance.

Traveler, I'm kind of up in the air on. It would be better served following the format, though the noun is also not in the correct form. Simplifying the process of taking a verb stem and making things out of it is a goal in this case.

To journey: lensoetas
To travel: nensoatas
traveler: oollensoa (???) should be lensoetithot or nensoatithot
a journey: lensoa (???) should be lensoetith or nensoatith
X:| ...zoozah.
Last edited by Grunt on Fri Mar 12, 2010 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by gutemensch » Wed Mar 10, 2010 3:25 pm

Still putting together a master list of what I've complied but this looks like most of them. If anyone needs a root word found let me know and I'll find it then post it.

Witch kashaph
Bitch keilu
Flame 'esh
Poor dallah
Rich gadowl
Story midrash
History ivri
Heat 'aza'
Cold choreph
Warm cham
Cool puwach
Insane metorefet
Crazy meshuggah
Bastard mamzer
Awaken oorah
Wilderness midbar
Peace damam
Attack kiydowr
Retreat shoob
Flank kecel
Strike kathath
Run halak
River 'aphiyq
Escape natsal
Duty dabar
Chicken ohf
Fort biyrah
Boarder town gabalchavvah
Badlands bi'uwsh'adamah
Dungeon ishmar (Dungeon is also jail, prison and pit)
Golem gelem
Portal nasa'(means transported or transporters)
Magic manaena
magical manaenahat
Horse hsus or sus
Cat Hatoul
Dog Kelev
Deer Tzvi
Stag awph
Leaping siys
Pig Chazir
Rabbit Shafan
Dragon Tanniyn
Whore Sharlila or Zonah
Pirate Shoded
Fuck You Lech ta
Victory Netzach
Glory Hod
Forever havera
Knowledge Daat
Revenge Nikamah
Vengeance Nakum
arcane Arca
Kill rtsh
Murder Ratsach
Soul (spark) nephesh
Spirit ruach
Mistress tehilah
Master abba or Tuval (to many words and no clear choice)
Dress Seem'Lah
Uniform Mah'Deem
Rain geshem
Snow sheleg
Cloud anan
Dressmaker adham
Shit Cha-ra or Chara or Harah
wild prai'im
Free hofshi'im
Soul nishmati
Yesterday le'ooharan'hod'yoom
Gold betser
Treasure 'owtsar
Walk darak
Night 'emesh
Midnight chatsowth
Day 'owr
Reward 'ethnah
War garah
Beware hava'
Staff matteh
Fate yowm
Spin tavah
Necromancer dorash'
Transmutant haphak(means change)
PSI Mage maHshavot(thought) kashaph
mage kashaph
magician's enchantments lat
Illusionist me'onen
Dance chuwl
hair dallah
Suit `erek
Thunderstorm zerem'raam
Before 'aph
Sleep yashen
Rest 'achariyth
Quiet charash
silence duwmiyah
Scream gadowl
Path derekh
Humble kana
Frail anash
Plague/Disaster micah
Dawn Sha'char
Dream halom
Remember zachar
Forever olam
Pain etzev
Goddess Eloah
Hope Tikva
Gift berakah
Breast Shad
hang calah
beneath mattah
belt 'ezowr
believe 'aman
late 'aphiyl
turn shub
face panim
another 'eben
direction yad
blow chatsar
through 'im
ear 'ozen
make bakar
annoyance nezeq
sound hegeh
open 'erets
mouth garown
emotional ferklempt
hide olam
game meeskhahk
play mahkhahzeh
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Nighthawk4 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:24 pm

What does Le'Nofaythen mean please? I am guessing this means 'The Army' or something like that.

Assuming it doesn't mean 'The 6th', how do you say 'The 6th' in Nanshilae please? :?

I found that Naqam means 'Avenger', so would Avenger of Dru'El be Naqam T'Dru'El?

Also, if Yad means 'Hand', does Le'Yaden T'Dru'El mean 'The Hands of Dru'El'?

One more - what is Nanshilae for 'Speaker' please?
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:48 pm

Nighthawk4 wrote:What does Le'Nofaythen mean please? I am guessing this means 'The Army' or something like that.

Assuming it doesn't mean 'The 6th', how do you say 'The 6th' in Nanshilae please? :?

I found that Naqam means 'Avenger', so would Avenger of Dru'El be Naqam T'Dru'El?

Also, if Yad means 'Hand', does Le'Yaden T'Dru'El mean 'The Hands of Dru'El'?

One more - what is Nanshilae for 'Speaker' please?
Le'Nofaythen was a screwup long ago. Nofaylas is to attack... which (while not fitting the title) didn't work because then they'd be the Attackers of T'Nanshi... Nofayas was added as "to defend" later, but the word still doesn't "fit". Therefore, it's treated as an irregular title/phrase, sort of like oo'good'toova is a shortening of a longer phrase. Le'Nofaythen, or Merah is a title of respect for a teacher.

We don't have a current "ordering" scheme for numbers yet. There's no first, second, third... so, there's no 6th. The number 6 is shaysh. There's no word for division, company, or group yet.

Avenger isn't in the wiki yet, the words there are the ones to use because they've been checked over etc... but if we use Naqam as Avenger..
Avenger of Dru'El would be Naqam'Dru'El ... the " T' " you used is short for Tan' which is Land Of... "of" is just a single '

Hand is "yed", so, Le'Yeden'Dru'El are the Hands of Dru'el

to Speak is Dooberas... to make a personal title of a verb, it is the root of the verb (doober) + the noun suffix (ith) + the personal suffix +(ot) ...and if you wish to add a gender for female it would then add + (an) and if there are more than one, +(en)
A talk or speech: doober +ith = Dooberith
A speaker: doober +ith + ot = Dooberithot
A speaker (female, if it matters): doober +ith +ot +an = dooberithotan
Speeches: doober +ith +en = dooberithen
Speakers: doober + ith + ot +en = Dooberithoten
Speakers (female, again if it was a gender specific title): doober + ith + ot +an +en = dooberithotanen

Speaker for the Hands of Dru'El (Finn's title) is: Dooberithot besvel Le'Yeden'Dru'El
Last edited by Grunt on Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Nighthawk4 » Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:53 pm


We really should have a Nanshilae name for the 6th :wink:
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:15 pm

Nighthawk4 wrote:Thanks.

We really should have a Nanshilae name for the 6th :wink:
Executive Decision: to use a number as a placement, add "leh" to the end.

First: hod + leh = hodleh
Second: shta + leh = Shtaleh
Third: loash + leh = loashleh
Fourth: bah + leh = bahleh
Fifth: maysh + leh = mayshleh
Sixth: shaysh + leh = shayshleh
...and so on....
20th: shny + leh = shnyleh
104th: rish v'bahleh (100 and fourth)
...up through...
millionth: goodesrishleh

I'll think on division, company and so on. Like "Captain" and "Commander" they may end up being different words that represent those terms in other cultures, however.

"First of all..." = "Hodleh'awl..." :)

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by AShadowsWhisper » Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:01 pm

After looking over several of the posts, just remember that Nanshilae isn't a simple word substitution of English. Not everything will translate directly, and not every English word would be in an elven language.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by BKrebbers » Fri Mar 26, 2010 9:17 pm

I'm curious about ''foe'' / ''enemy''.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Brayon » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:34 pm

Looking for:


We have Fire and Water.

EDIT: Chance as well.

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by gutemensch » Mon Apr 26, 2010 10:52 pm

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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Grunt » Tue Apr 27, 2010 1:13 am

If possible, we should avoid ' in any words as a base when we put them up. This is because ' is used to link words as "of" and so on.

Earth would translate from E'retz to Erets (same sound)
Shemaym is the sky or air for a location, like "Up in the air I saw..." while for air to speak of elements, elementals, or the stuff you need to breathe, avir would go to ayvir

Nofaylithot would be an attacker, but that's a "enemy of the moment" (if you don't get your ass kicked). For a foe, or sworn enemy type, echthros or tsar are used as well. Using your suggested antikeimenoi, I'd drop the anti, leaving keimenoi.. which would then become keemehnot to represent "enemy" (keemehnoten for enemies).

For "Chance", the word suntuchia could break down to soonchah


Erets - "Earth"
Ayvir - "Air"
Keemehnot - "Enemy"
Soonchah - "Chance"
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Olaf » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:14 am

What about "bitch" = Eowin.. you SAID!
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Re: Nanshilae words.

Post by Brayon » Fri Feb 18, 2011 4:46 pm

Is there a word for Wolf?

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