A Note on the Fey Hinterlands/Feywild

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A Note on the Fey Hinterlands/Feywild

Post by Sarmanos » Tue Jul 09, 2024 2:32 pm

Recently in the last couple of months some of you have been experiencing events or even visited the new dungeon tied to a new plane called the Fey Hinterlands/Feywilds.

While the Feywild concept has seen a lot of development between the 4th and 5th edition of Dungeons and Dragons, the 3rd edition version was barely a couple of paragraphs in the Optional Cosmology section of the Manual of the Planes.

For too many reasons to list, all of these versions are incompatible with Avlis.

So what does this mean? It means the Avlis version of the Feywild was specifically crafted with Avlis in mind with its own lore, rules, and quirks.

More OOC information about the Avlis version may come out over time, but for now one important thing must be emphasized:

Please do not rely on any Dungeons and Dragons or other source books for how the Avlis realms of the fey works. Even if there may be similarities in spots, they are not the same.

The only valid official sources of information are the Avlis Team as we provide it.

Vetinari: I have noted before that you have a definite anti-authoritarian streak, Commander.
Vimes: Sir?
Vetinari: You seem to have retained this even though you are Authority.
Vimes: Sir?
Vetinari: That's practically Zen.
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