New Playable Race: Tiefling

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New Playable Race: Tiefling

Post by Buddha » Thu Aug 01, 2024 3:06 am


Avlis has launched our newest custom playable race -- Avlis Tieflings! Based off of CoPaP tieflings, the system behind the curtain has been updated to bring them up to EE standards to include better handling of Effective Character Levels (ECL) and even skin color matched tails. In the process, we were also able to fix some racial abilities that CoPaP tieflings were advertised as having, but that lacked the code behind them to make them work IG.

Tieflings are mortals who, through some quirk of their background, possess some characteristics of Avlissian demons. These characteristics usually present in the form of horns, long tails, fanged teeth, forked tongues, and unusual red or purple skin tones. Surface tieflings are very rare, but have become more noticeable after the Red Star crisis. In the Underdark, tieflings are more common and accepted.

Tiefling Ability Adjustments: +2 Dex, +2 Int, -2 Cha.

Favored Class (Rogue): A multiclass tiefling's rogue class does not count when determining whether they suffer an XP penalty for multiclassing.

Special Abilities:
- Darkvision: Tieflings are able to see in the dark.
- Hardiness vs. Cold: Tieflings have a resistance to cold of 5.
- Hardiness vs. Fire: Tieflings have a resistance to fire of 5.
- Hardiness vs. Electricity: Tieflings have a resistance to electricity of 5.
- Darkness: Tieflings can cast Darkness once per day as a sorcerer of their level.
- Skill Affinity (Persuade): +2 racial bonus to Persuade checks.
- Skill Affinity (Hide): +2 racial bonus to Hide checks.
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