Have been cropping up now and then, and I know a couple of my IG notes have been using the currencies from the WFM article, I'm going to be putting up the names of the various currencies as well as the rough value in "game gold piece" value.Marleh wrote:If anyone has access to World Forge Magazine, I'm told Nob wrote a very comprehensive piece about the monetary systems of each country.
Seven Cities
Shilling - 1
Florin - 10
Unite - 25
Guinea - 100
Shield - 250
Royal - 500
Blue Royal - 5,000
Kurathene Empire("Old Empire")(Lesser amounts use fractional denominations such as a "half-laurel" for a 25 gp piece)
Noble - 10
Laurel - 50
Sovereign - 100
Half-Crown - 250
Crown - 500
Eagle - 1,000
Crown Eagle - 10,000
Wreath - 1
Coronet - 50
Circlet - 150
Brekon(And Crullath)
Siglos - 10
Creel - 50
Daric - 250
Dagger - 1
Sword - 10
Spear - 100
Star Leaf - 10
Moon Leaf - 100
Sun Leaf - 1,000
Pfenning - 25
Schilling - 250
Mark - 2,500
For details on what these things look like, why they're named the way they are, and other details see:
http://www.worldforgemagazine.com and subscribe!
Pretty pictures of the coins should also be coming soon to a pdf version near you!