How do World Plots Work?
A: Outside of a World Plot, most events the Event DMs run can be considered more or less self-contained. They're a part of the world and join the world lore and they may or may not be related to other plots which have or will happen. In the context of World Plots, the DM Event Team takes more of an "all hands on deck" approach. All Event DMs can, and often do, run any event they want in the context of a team-agreed upon World Plot framework. This allows larger plots to have a more epic scope and feel than any one DM could manage on their own. It also allows a lot more players to be involved.
It feels like a lot of events happen during World Plots. Is it all related?
A: It depends! One of the great things about the Event DM team is we have plots running about all sorts of things. Many, but not all, of them are connected. What is connected to what is usually up to the players to discover in-game.
Who am I supposed to contact on the Event Team about World Plot Events or research my character wants to do?
A: If in doubt, send a PM to the Event DM Group. We'll coordinate team-side if a specific DM needs to reply. If an event has a specific DM who ran the event, you can always feel free to PM them directly.
Am I allowed to PM Plethora? She's the Head DM and I don't want to bother her or be a pest.
A: Absolutely! You are NOT a pest. Event DMs volunteer their time to tell stories, run plots, and help players engage with our world. If we didn't want to encourage players to be involved, we'd build a static world and not have an Event Team. This extra especially includes Pleth. You are, at any time, welcome to PM any Event DM any question or concern, and that includes Pleth. Even if we don't have an answer or aren't the DM you need for your question, we'll help connect you to who or what you need. Our goal is to help you have fun. This includes being as active or involved in any plot as you want your character to be. Don't wait on others. Be Free to Do Stuff yourself!
How do I join a World Plot?
A: The short answer: express interest and actively play the game. If you're entirely stuck without an idea, send a PM to the Event Team and let us know.
The longer answer: Many players often feel like they can't participate in a World Plot because events posted are outside of their time zone or they are otherwise unavailable. What they don't see is that a lot of those events are scheduled by their fellow players expressing interest in doing a thing. If you have something you want to set up and you'd like an Event DM involved, chances are high someone will be available. All it takes is a PM to the Event Team to coordinate.
What about smaller groups and other forum posts I can't see?
A: It is true that there are often many smaller groups who elect to become involved in a World Plot. Each small group might have a different perspective on the plot. They might have different goals they'd like to see happen in the plot. Sometimes, smaller groups can even be in opposition to each other's goals. If you are in a small group/guild/organization, chances are they will be easier 'points of contact' into the plot, but they are certainly not the only ways to be involved.
What if my group/guild/organization doesn't seem to be doing anything with a plot?
A: Than YOU kick things off! All players have 100% permission and blessing from the Event Team to be involved in a World Plot. If you'd like to get your group involved, let us know what you would like to do and we'll go from there. Not all ideas are promised to be used; however, all ideas are considered and, even if a completely different idea is used, your group/guild/organization will still be given an in-character reason to be involved in the World Plot.
What if I am not a member of any particular group/guild/organization and I still want to be a part of the World Plot?
A: You absolutely can still participate! If you're unable or unwilling to join a group and/or you are unavailable to attend and/or you've been in events and have ideas and don't know where to go from here, please send a PM to the Event DM team! We'll happily help you figure out how to participate.
What about spying during World Plots?
A: Because one of the Event Team's goals for World Plots is to help generate lots of board/forum posts from players about events (especially public for everyone type posts), the Event Team will not use NPCs to "spy" on any players via Board Posts. If applicable, spying by NPCs used by the Event DM Team will only be done in-game on the live servers. That said, World Plots do not change Spying Rules for Players, so please keep those in mind if you are information gathering between groups/guilds/organizations.
Note: Spying by NPCs in the context of this post includes eavesdropping and negative reactions to board posts not specifically addressed to a particular NPC. For example: your character posts scary information about the plot. Your character will not start any NPC riots or panics. Vs Your character stands in game at The Rock or Elf gate and announces scary information to all in earshot. Reactions may vary.
Speaking of posts, they can take some time to write I could spend in-game instead. Are they worth any exp?
A: They can be! While we do not have a hard and fast rule about forum posts, most Event DMs will grant bonus exp of some sort for anyone who posts about their plot segments. If you'd like to take advantage of this, just let your Event DM know at your next event.
What if I have a question about a World Plot and it's not in this FAQ?
A: Please reach out to the Event DM team via PM. We're happy to add to this FAQ as questions arise.
How World Plots Work and other Related FAQ
Moderator: Event DM
Re: How World Plots Work and other Related FAQ
There is so much going on! How can I keep up with it all?
A: Only participate in as much or as little as you find fun! The point of having so much to do is to include as many people as possible in many different ways, because different people like different things. The point is NOT to burn you out or make anyone feel like they have to be a part of everything.
Am I limited to one character in a World Plot?
A: Nope! World plots are so big you can find ways to participate with multiple characters. However, We do ask you keep each aspect of the plot to separate characters. For example, don't have two psions in a psion plot or two mages in the same task force, etc.
A: Only participate in as much or as little as you find fun! The point of having so much to do is to include as many people as possible in many different ways, because different people like different things. The point is NOT to burn you out or make anyone feel like they have to be a part of everything.
Am I limited to one character in a World Plot?
A: Nope! World plots are so big you can find ways to participate with multiple characters. However, We do ask you keep each aspect of the plot to separate characters. For example, don't have two psions in a psion plot or two mages in the same task force, etc.